The Program will be revealed as it is confirmed.
This year there will be sessions in Portuguese and English, without live translation.
Although there are few rigorous clinical studies confirming the supposed aphrodisiac virtues of many edible vegetables and officinal plants, there is a significant part of the ancient empirical tradition that has come down to us.
In addition to this, scientific knowledge provides us with information on the direct actions of these botanical ingredients on the body systems (endocrine, circulatory and nervous) most directly involved in sexual health.
This workshop is simply intended to be a light and fun journey into the erotic alchemy that can be carried out in the sophisticated laboratories that are our kitchens.
General view of herbalism applied on small and large animals, presentation of some clinical cases from my own practice and an explanation how we should prepare the most used herbal preparations on animals.
Durante a actividade, iremos explorar algumas das plantas tintureiras locais mais comuns e aprender a transferir as suas cores, formas, texturas e aromas para diferentes superfícies.
Vamos conhecer a técnica tradicional do Hapa-Zome – uma arte japonesa de impressão botânica em tecidos e papel.
Este método simples, mas poderoso, é uma forma de captar a beleza efémera da Natureza e integrá-la no nosso dia a dia, criando peças de arte sustentáveis e profundamente conectadas à Natureza.
Conteúdos principais do workshop:
– Introdução à Impressão Botânica e aos seus princípios;
– Reconhecimento e seleção de plantas tintureiras locais;
– Tipos de fibras naturais adequadas para a impressão;
– Preparação de materiais e ferramentas;
– Aplicação da técnica Hapa-Zome;
– Cuidados para a lavagem e preservação dos ecoprint.
Anne will discuss the benefits of taking a constitutional approach to the herbal treatment of children using an Ayurvedic perspective. Once we understand a person’s constitution, we can advise the use of herbs, diet and lifestyle that is appropriate to each individual and thereby enhance their overall health and wellbeing. In her treatment protocols, Anne will concentrate on locally available plants and their use for a variety of childhood ailments.
Caminhada com identificação de plantas
From alcohol to water, vinegar and glycerine, all these ingredients can be useful when you want to make a herbal extract.
However, if there's one thing that I feel has helped me evolve in my practice of home herbalism, it's realising that not everyone brings me the same thing in the final preparation. From minerals to mucilages, we'll look at the different forms of extraction, realising what each one can give us.
At the end, we'll do a joint preparation (to be decided) with the traditional method, so that we can better understand how simple and wonderful it can be to have our own herbal extractions.
Collage is a composition made using materials of different textures, or not, superimposed or placed side by side to create a motif or image.
It's a technique that can bring us a lot of answers, cleansing and awareness.
Ancestrali'Arte is a creative laboratory in the shape of a circle that aims to help you make your own creation from a photograph of an ancestor.
Channelling, rooting, creating and manifesting the voice that pulses in your womb. Art has this principle: to be an antidote, to bring reflection and to broaden our consciousness.
Let’s explore some of the over 500 roles that the liver plays in healthy human physiology – how it is a key organ to support in any herbal protocol, and some specific liver loving herbs that can easily be found here in Portugal.
Olivia loves the liver so so so much and promises to make this a fascinating and inspiring workshop on an often overlooked organ.
Integrative Clinical Aromatherapy
Vou introduzir os participantes ao mundo das flores comestíveis e juntos vamos entender suas propriedades medicinais e fazer algumas receitas simples que eles podem ter em casa como elixirs de sabor e saúde.
Screen printing on a small organic cotton batiste bag with dye plant extracts:
More info soon
In this activity we will prepare and follow the entire process of handmade distillation in a copper alembic, from the harvest to the therapeutic and holistic properties of the plants.
In this workshop we'll discover the fascinating world of fermented foods and learn this ancient technique using edible wild herbs. We'll learn how to create living foods using the plants that grow around us as the main ingredient.
Identification of common edible wild herbs that are safe to use.
Practical fermentation techniques to create foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles.
Necessary precautions to guarantee safety and quality in fermented foods.
Tips for harmonising flavours and creating personalised recipes.
A workshop that promotes food sovereignty, our health and the health of the planet.
Arte e criatividade ao serviço da sustentabilidade – abordando o processo quimico de saponificação em conjunto com a exploração criativa do uso e preparação de ingredientes e da forma mais elevada de honrar o uso das plantas no processo de transformação.
Pre-history and Plants |
In this experiential workshop we will explore the use of the information gained from taking the pulses on the wrist and correlating this with the persons tongue to gain an understanding of their state of health. From this we can develop the first priorities in treatment.
This workshop is for student through to experienced practitioners so that we can all learn and contribute. Otherwise as the San people say about tracking, “a person alone is always right”.
Iremos conhecer as plantas medicinais que crescem espontaneamente na Herdade do Freixo do Meio e suas aplicações medicinais.
During this meeting, we'll delve into the fascinating universe of plants applied to postpartum care, exploring how medicinal plants can be an ally in recovery and well-being.
Some clinical cases will be presented, highlighting the therapeutic benefits obtained with the use of protocols based on naturopathy.
We'll analyse how each plant was chosen, considering its different properties, as well as looking at its application in infusions, oils, compresses and baths.
Scientific evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of these practices will be discussed, reinforcing the central role of medicinal plants in supporting women's physical and emotional recovery in the postpartum period.
Ginger, garlic, eucalyptus and pine are not just ingredients in a recipe to strengthen the respiratory and immune systems.
These elements and others that we can find in the fields of Herdade do Freixo do Meio will be the protagonists of the sketches, drawings and watercolours that we will create and develop in this workshop.
With lavender, borage, sorrel, nasturtium or poppies, we'll create a palette of country tones that will bring our watercolours to life.
In this workshop we will journey through different plants, practices and recipes to tend our bodies as women. We will go beyond herbalism, talking about sexuality, deep ecology, traditions, mythology, archetypes and other topics as well. Together we remember that We Are Earth, reconnecting to the beauty and simplicity of our cycles and bodies as Women.
On this field trip, participants will learn about the influence of the phases and movements of the moon on the different spontaneous species found in the Freixo do Meio Montado.
It will be demonstrated how medicinal constituents can be enhanced, softened or targeted according to the time of harvest, the part of the plant harvested and the intended purpose.
This ancestral knowledge, valued and proven by Biodynamic Agriculture, is a valuable tool for all herbalist-gatherers who want to improve the quality of their herbal extracts and their wild or domestic harvesting ethics.
In this immersive activity we will explore the effectiveness of natural products in personal care routines, highlighting the use of ingredients such as medicinal plants, botanical extracts, oils and vegetable butters.
We will gain a better understanding of how these elements turn soaps, deodorants, moisturising creams and solid and liquid shampoos into effective and sustainable products for our daily well-being. Some scientific studies will be presented that prove the quality, safety and therapeutic benefits of these products, with special emphasis on the essential role of medicinal plants. And we'll put theory into practice by learning how to create two natural products: a deodorant and a liquid shampoo, using simple formulas and high-quality ingredients.
Iremos conhecer as plantas medicinais que crescem espontaneamente na Herdade do Freixo do Meio e suas aplicações medicinais. We will learn about the medicinal plants that grow spontaneously at Herdade do Freixo do Meio and their medicinal applications.
Like the work of bees (active pollinators), this workshop aims to create a DOME of POLLINISATION, a geometric structure to be inhabited by forty triangles illustrated with the surprising bio-diversity of Herdade do Freixo do Meio.
Each participant will be part of the collective installation with their illustration drawn with bambo nibs and natural paints from plants, on cotton canvas waterproofed with beeswax. Over the course of the workshop, we'll begin to create a Pollinator Dome that will serve as a wildlife shelter during Herbfest.
This talk offers an introduction to the ancient art of plant alchemy. Participants will gain insight into the process of creating an alchemical preparation folowing the traditional steps of spagiric art, while exploring its symbolic connection to personal development and self-discovery.
The presentation emphasizes how the principles of alchemy can inspire self-observation techniques that are valuable in everyday life, even for those not directly involved in alchemical practice.
The session will begin and end with a brief meditation, accompanied by the sounds of native flutes, providing a reflective space to internalize and process the shared knowledge and experience.
Body systems, what are herbal energetics, types of plant energetics – warming, drying, moist, dry, examples of plants and their energetics, body constitutions and simple plant energetic applications.
These are some of the gastronomic curiosities of the plants that have nourished our ancestors since the dawn of humanity. In this hands-on, immersive workshop, we'll explore herbs that date back to prehistoric times.
For nature enthusiasts, lovers of sustainable gastronomy and those curious about humanity's food legacy, this workshop is a sensory journey that connects the past to the present through food.
In folk magic and ancient cultures, plants are often seen as allies and spiritual teachers. This practice, known as the spiritual path of plants or spiritual herbalism, involves interacting with the spiritual essence of plants to gain insights, healing and deeper connections with nature.
Plants are considered liminal beings, connecting the physical and spiritual realms through their roots (which plunge into the earth) and their branches (which reach for the sky). By relating more consciously to plants, we can learn directly from them, explore personal and cosmic mysteries, heal emotional and physical ailments and reconnect more fully with the natural world.
To create a relationship it is necessary to meet and recognise the other as a being with sensitivity, awareness, wisdom and rights. Trees are revered as sacred entities and are central to spiritual practices all over the world. They are guardians, loving mothers, healers and teachers. Let's co-create a ritual, an encounter, a relationship based on thanking the spirit of plants, especially trees, and at the same time an initiatory workshop to open up and strengthen communication and direct learning with plants. It includes the practice of Rooting, Observation, Connection with trees, Creation and a magical ritual of gratitude to the spirit of plants. For balance, awareness, justice, resilience, love and gratitude.
Materials: comfortable clothes, notebook and materials for writing and drawing.
To learn about the morphological aspects of rosemary and how it differs from other rosemary plants, which often grow together. To emphasise its importance in terms of ethnobotanical uses, as well as revealing new biological properties that have been investigated.
Present the secondary metabolites present in the essential oil and other extracts. To reveal some of the conservation methods developed at the CBPBI, both in terms of vegetative propagation and in vitro techniques.
Passeio interpretativo às Agroflorestas do Monte do Freixo do Meio – a importância da criação de solo
Find different methods to read the body and personality to be acertive on Bach floral selection
Proponho fazer uma apresentação demonstrativa sobre o que podemos entender por ‘Jardim para Cozinhar’ e a sua forma como a sua utilização pode melhorar substancialmente a nossa relação com a nossa comida, no sentido de a sentirmos mais viva, mais orgânica e, com isso, melhorarmos significativamente vários aspetos da nossa vida.
Pretendo reforçar esta ação de sensibilização recheando a apresentação com diversos exemplos práticos apoiados em plantas e soluções gastronómicas que levarei do meu laboratório ‘Ervas finas’.
Screen printing on a small organic cotton batiste bag with dye plant extracts:
Demonstration of a craft distillation method that can be easily replicated with materials you can usually find in any kitchen.
This distillation, with a view to obtaining hydrolate, will be accompanied by a talk about the craft of distillation and the various extraction methods.
We will cover the cultivation and harvesting of aromatic plants as well as the various uses of essential oils and hydrosols.
We intend to bring several of our spirits, providing a sensory experience and bringing people closer to this important art.
Once the distillation is complete, the result can be used by all those who were present.
With this workshop people will be able to go home and start producing their own hydrolate.
Have you ever learned about the amazing medicinal properties of a certain plant but were left wondering:How do I know if this herb is safe?
How much of it do I need to take for it to have the effect I want? How do I convert dosages if I want to give this herb to my kids? What do I need to know when mixing herbs together?
Clinical herbalist & community educator Olivia Fite will share with you some quick tips for taking & making medicine in safe & effective ways.
Introducing a distillation technique that anyone can replicate at home with objects they have in their own kitchen. Throughout the process we intend to talk about the general concepts of distilling aromatic plants and also their medicinal, cosmetic and energy potential. We also want to provide a sensory experience with the aromas of various essential oils and hydrosols.
A presentation of some of the most important scientific studies published in recent years that confirm the medicinal action of medicinal plants that have supposedly been used empirically for thousands of years. We will look at studies on St John's Wort, Aloe, Ginseng, Valerian, Ginkgo Biloba and other plants.
Learn about the medicinal and edible plants most commonly used in the Portuguese tradition, such as parsley, mallow, herb-roberta and melissa. How people traditionally use them in family and community health care.
Aromatic and bitter herbs are some of the best remedies for the digestive system and the nervous system. In this demonstration and experiential talk, participants will learn about the common Portuguese herbs that possess these two qualities and how to make their own tincture mixtures (alcohol extracts) to support you and your community.
Montado do Freio do Meio
7050-704 Foros de Vale Figueira